It goes without saying that if you have expectations to use the hack that just got released, it might be wise to not update your PS4. This piece of news comes just as Sony have announced upcoming firmware 2.00, which will be released next week. It does however seem to provide some basic tools for developers who want to explore its functionality, and, more importantly, it is the first public entry point into PS4 hacking ever, which is a massive breakthrough. This webkit exploit, just like in the case of the same exploit for the Vita revealed last week, will not be extremely useful to the end user, except to confirm that their PS4 is indeed exploitable. I am not close to my PS4 right now and cannot confirm if the Proof of Concept actually works, but the code looks perfectly legit, the devs behind this have a great track of record, and it should be a matter of minutes now for other people to confirm that this indeed works. Their proof of concept code provides several samples, including a module dumper and some tool to create more advanced ROP code.