Selecting Add Item shows a list of all clang-tidy checks. The checks defined in these settings are run in addition to the checks in the. You can enable and disable more checks by using the Clang Tidy > Checks: Enabled and Clang Tidy > Checks: Disabled settings. clang-tidy configuration file in any of its parent directories, and the Clang Tidy: Config property is left empty, then the fallback configuration (defined in C_) will be used for that file. Clang Tidy: Config accepts checks and check options as a YAML/JSON-formatted string. Alternatively, you can specify a clang-tidy configuration with the Clang Tidy: Config setting. clang-tidy configuration files in your workspace, clang-tidy will use the configuration file closest to the source file by searching up the path in its parent directories.

clang-tidy configuration file in your project directory, the C++ extension will honor the checks and options defined in that file. How do I configure clang-tidy checks and check options? To pause or cancel clang-tidy, click on the fire icon and then choose an option from the drop down. You can check if clang-tidy is running by looking for the fire icon in the blue status bar at the bottom of the window. Note: You can set clang-tidy settings globally (in the User tab) or at the workspace level. Then search for “code analysis” to find all the clang-tidy settings and set Clang Tidy: Enabled to true. To turn on automatic code analysis, open your project settings by selecting “Preferences: Open Settings (UI)” from the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P). You can also set clang-tidy to run automatically whenever you open or save a file.

If there are certain workspace files or folders that you don’t want to run clang-tidy on, add them to the Clang Tidy: Exclude setting (C_ in settings.json). To manually run clang-tidy, open the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and type “Run Code Analysis.” You can run clang-tidy on the active file, on all open files, or on the entire workspace. You can point the C++ extension to any clang-tidy binary by editing the C++ extension’s Clang Tidy: Path setting. But if you already have clang-tidy installed (and it’s on your environment’s path), the C++ extension will use that one instead. Nope! Clang-tidy now comes bundled with the C++ extension. Clang-tidy integration was one of our top asks on GitHub, so we’re excited to announce that it’s ready for you to try! Getting started Do I need to install clang-tidy? The latest insiders release of the C++ extension is here, bringing clang-tidy support to VS Code! Clang-tidy is a clang-based C++ linter tool that detects common errors in your code, like style violations and bugs that can be deduced via static analysis.